by paintedlifeadmin | Nov 29, 2021
Tastes Like Oswestry Project Overview A creative promotional film showcasing some of the places to eat and drink in Oswestry DO YOU NEED A VIDEO FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Drop us a line and we can discuss your ideas to create the perfect video to promote your businesses...
by paintedlifeadmin | Oct 29, 2021
Shropshire Oktoberfest ’21 Project Overview A short pacey promo of this years Oktoberfest in Shrewsbury Quarry DO YOU NEED A VIDEO FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Drop us a line and we can discuss your ideas to create the perfect video to promote your businesses product or...
by paintedlifeadmin | Sep 1, 2021
Stay a day in Oswestry Project Overview A creative promotional film showcasing Oswestry during the Summer in 2021 DO YOU NEED A VIDEO FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Drop us a line and we can discuss your ideas to create the perfect video to promote your businesses product or...
by paintedlifeadmin | May 11, 2021
The City of fire and Beautiful Bricks Project Overview A documentary exploring the life, techniques and inspiration of the artist Ian Pearsall. DO YOU NEED A VIDEO FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Drop us a line and we can discuss your ideas to create the perfect video to promote...
by paintedlifeadmin | Jul 30, 2020
Welcome Back Oswestry Project Overview With Oswestry’s high street slowly getting back to normal after Covid-19, Oswestry BID commissioned us to deliver a big WELCOME BACK message to the town. Here we showcase how the businesses have been doing everything they...